The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner

The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner

The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner is an automatic phonetic alignment toolkit based on HTK.

The current release (ver. 1.003, July 2009) contains the acoustic models of American English, a Python script that can be used to do forced alignment, as well as a readme file and some examples. You can download the toolkit from the following link:

Download The Penn Phonetics Lab Forced Aligner

P2FA readme.txt

You can also try the forced aligner online processing system:

The PPL Forced Aligner Online Processing System

Please send your comments and questions to .

P2FA can be cited as: Jiahong Yuan and Mark Liberman. 2008. Speaker identification on the SCOTUS corpus. Proceedings of Acoustics '08.